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EarthKind Stay Away Mosquito Repellent (Product Review)

EarthKind Stay Away Mosquito Repellent 

(Product Review)

***I was given a free sample of this product from Social Nature to try and review***

I live in South Louisiana. I live IN the swamp. We have mosquitoes basically year round.  A good mosquito repellent is definitely needed! Especially one that everyone in my family can use! I have very sensitive skin and am allergic to almost everything. Most scents give me migraines, even things that claim to be unscented. I try to find the most natural products that are on the market for my family. So when I was given the opportunity to try out EarthKind's Stay Away Mosquitoes repellent, I jumped at the chance! 

I was able to use this product on everyone in my household, from my 18-month-old daughter to myself! The repellent is marketed as unscented and truly does not have an obnoxious smell at all. There is a VERY light scent when you first apply the spray, but it does not linger. 

The spray comes out a creamy white color and blends easily into the skin with no residue left over. It is not greasy or heavy on your skin.

And now to the most important part. It kept the mosquitos away! Most evenings, if we dare to venture outside, we will come in COVERED in bites. Mosquitoes seem to absolutely love my youngest daughter, but after using Stay Away she was actually able to enjoy being outside during those peak mosquito hours! 

I would honestly recommend this product (and have already) to anyone! 

Highlights of Stay Away Mosquito Repellent

  • Skin friendly, unscented Mosquito Repellent
  • Made with Picaridin, a bioidentical version of a long black pepper plant
  • Long-lasting, 14-hour protection from mosquitoes and ticks
  • Repels biting flies, gnats and chiggers for up to 8hrs
  • For use on the whole family
  • Can be used on pregnant women
  • Water-resistant and non-flammable

To find this product visit the EarthKind, LLC website
