Welcome to A Brewed Awakening

Fun Questions to Ask Your Kids

1. What is something I always say to you?
Mia(13)Go drink some water (My go to when she says her head hurts)
Jade(12) How was your day?
Man (10) Clean up
Persaus (8) Clean up
Delena(6) Can't go (she is ALWAYS trying to go with someone!)

2. What makes me happy?
Mia(13) Family
Jade(12) Coffee
Man (10) When the house is clean
Persaus (8) When nobody is mad
Delena(6) When we clean up

3. What makes me sad?
Jade(12) Not having coffee. Demi screaming. Us not cleaning. But especially no coffee.
Man (10) Whenever we be bad
Persaus (8) When we don't clean up (Pretty regular theme with the cleaning...😂😂😂)
Delena(6) When I don't clean up

4. How do I make you laugh?
Mia(13) this
Jade(12) Showing me Facebook posts
Man (10) You do funny things sometimes
Persaus (8) Tickling me
Delena(6) Tickle me

5. What was I like as a child?
Mia(13) I don't know (Teens, right?)
Jade(12) Smart
Man (10) I don't know
Persaus (8) Nice
Delena(6) A party

6. How old am I? 
(I'm 32)
Mia(13) 31
Jade(12) 32
Man (10) 32
Persaus (8) 31
Delena(6) 99

7. How tall am I?
(I'm 5'10")
Mia(13) 5'6"
Jade(12) 5'6"
Man (10) 6 ft
Persaus (8) 3 feet
Delena(6) 11

8. What is my favorite thing to do?
Mia(13) Be on your blog
Jade(12) Post stuff on your blog
Man (10) Watch your favorite shows
Persaus (8) Going on your tablet
Delena(6) Talk

9. What do I do when you aren't around?
Mia(13)Watch the baby
Jade(12) Feed Demi
Man (10) I don't know
Persaus (8) Have to watch Demi
Delena(6) Watch TV

10. If I became famous, what would it be for?
Mia(13) cooking
Jade(12) Your blog
Man (10) Cooking
Persaus (8) Buying us a house
Delena(6) Singing

11. What am I really go at?
Mia(13) Cooking
Jade(12) Making us laugh
Man (10) Writing and cooking
Persaus (8) Teaching us
Delena(6) Playing

12. What am I not very good at?
Mia(13) I don't know
Jade(12) Keeping your stuff charged
Man (10) I don't know
Persaus (8) Doing cartwheels
Delena(6) Going on rollercoasters

13. What do I do for my job?
Mia(13) I don't know. Watch the baby?
Jade(12) Post stuff on your blog; Taking care of us; You have a gazillion jobs!
Man (10) Watching all your kids, making sure Demi doesn't fuss and scream, and making food for everyone
Persaus (8) To make sure we clean up
Delena(6) Make us clean up

14. What is my favorite food?
Mia(13) I don't know your favorite food (a lot of idk from her...)
Jade(12) I asked you that and you said you don't have a favorite food
Man (10) You like rice
Persaus (8) I think it has to be rice
Delena(6) Salad

15. What makes you proud of me?
Mia(13) Everything (😍😍😍)
Jade(12) Being able to handle us
Man (10) All the things you do for our family
Persaus (8) When you scare me (😕❓)
Delena(6) When you kiss me goodnight

16. If I was a cartoon character, who would I be?
Mia(13)The character from Foodwars
Jade(12) You would totally be Raven
Man (10) I can't think of one
Persaus (8) Betty Boop

17. What do you and I do together?
Mia(13) Bullet Journal
Jade(12) We do a lot of stuff; sing, play games, watch showed and movies
Man (10) We cook together. We cut grass together. Sometimes we watch anime together
Persaus (8) Go outside
Delena(6) Sing

18. How are we the same?
Mia(13) We are both girls
Jade(12) We're both beautiful
Man (10) We both watch anime
Persaus (8) We both have brown hair
Delena(6) Hair

19. How are we different?
Mia(13) You don't wear glasses
Jade(12) You're Alto and I'm soprano
Man (10) I watch anime more often than you
Persaus (8) Different color eyes
Delena(6) Tattoo

20. How do you know I love you?
Mia(13) By actions and words
Jade(12) You take care of me
Man (10) You care for me
Persaus (8) Because you hello me all the time
Delena(6) When you hug me

21. Where is my favorite place to go?
Mia(13) Baton Rouge
Jade(12) Dirt Cheap and Dollar Tree
Man (10) Dirt Cheap
Persaus (8) Restaurant
Delena(6) Stores

Of course there were a bunch of "I don't know" answers and of course cleaning is always talked about in a house with 6 kids, but it was fun sitting down with each one and asking them these questions! 


  1. This was hilarious!! A total good read Ash! I think Persaus and Delena's answers were the funniest (like with Persaus saying you were 3 feet tall and Delena sayinig 11 🤣) and it seems to me that Jade has it together the most! LOL


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