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Perfect Stovetop Popcorn


Making popcorn from scratch can be tricky. Not only do you want as many kernels as possible to pop, but you also want to keep the kernels from burning at the bottom of the pan!

Stovetop popcorn is infinitely better than microwave popcorn or air-popped popcorn. If you haven’t made it yet, you’ve been missing out!

All you need are popcorn kernels, a good pot with a lid, oil, and salt. 

How to Make Stovetop Popcorn

  • Use a good, heavy-bottomed pot. Cheap pots will not distribute heat evenly, and you end up with hot spots that burn the popcorn. Add about 1/3 cup of oil (just enough for a thin layer in the bottom of your pot)
  • Do not crank the heat up too high. It’s too easy to burn oil at a temperature higher than medium heat. If you catch even a whiff of smoke coming from the pot, your popcorn will taste burnt.
  • Start with three popcorn kernels to gauge the temperature. Once all three kernels pop, your oil is hot enough. Add the remaining kernels (about 1/3 of a cup) in an even layer.

  • Cover the pot, remove from heat and count 30 seconds:

    (Count out loud! It's fun to do with kids.)

    This method first heats the oil to the right temperature, then waiting 30 seconds brings all of the other kernels to a near-popping temperature so that when they are put back on the heat, they all pop at about the same time

  • Return the pan to the heat:

    The popcorn should begin popping soon, and all at once. Once the popping starts in earnest, gently shake the pan by moving it back and forth over the burner.

*Tip: As the popcorn pops, try to keep the lid slightly ajar to let the steam from the popcorn release (the popcorn will be drier and crisper).
  • If the popcorn starts overflowing the pot: Simply remove the lid and tip the excess popcorn into a bowl. Return the lid and return the popcorn to the heat until popping slows. 
  • Once the popping slows to several seconds between pops, remove the pan from the heat:

    remove the lid, and dump the popcorn immediately into a wide bowl.

  • Season with salt carefully. You can always add more, but you can’t take away too much.

If your plans this week include tucking into a bowl of popcorn for movie night, may I make a suggestion? It would be the perfect time to go with a great classic: The Princess Bride! It’s one of our family's all-time favorites (so many good quotes!)


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